Source code for fangoosterlee.cosmethod

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
COS method

The method comes from [1]_

The original code is found at


.. [1] Fang, F., & Oosterlee, C. W. (2009).
    A Novel Pricing Method for European Options
    Based on Fourier-Cosine Series Expansions.
    *SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing*, 31(2), 826. doi:10.1137/080718061

from __future__ import division, print_function

import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne

__all__ = ['cosmethod']

[docs]def cosmethod(model, moneyness=0., call=True, npoints=2**10): """COS method. Parameters ---------- model : instance of specific model class The method depends on availability of two methods: - charfun - cos_restriction moneyness : array_like Moneyness of the option, np.log(strike/price) - riskfree * maturity call : bool array_like Call/Put flag npoints : int Number of points on the grid. The more the better, but slower. Returns ------- array_like Option premium normalized by asset price Notes ----- `charfun` method (risk-neutral conditional chracteristic function) of `model` instance should depend on one argument only (array_like) and should return array_like of the same dimension. `cos_restriction` method of `model` instance takes `maturity` and `riskfree` as array arguments, and returns two corresponding arrays (a, b). """ if not hasattr(model, 'charfun'): raise Exception('Characteristic function is not available!') if not hasattr(model, 'cos_restriction'): raise Exception('COS restriction is not available!') # (nobs, ) arrays alim, blim = model.cos_restriction() # (npoints, nobs) array kvec = np.arange(npoints)[:, np.newaxis] * np.pi / (blim - alim) # (npoints, ) array unit = np.append(.5, np.ones(npoints-1)) # Arguments argc = (kvec, alim, blim, 0, blim) argp = (kvec, alim, blim, alim, 0) # (nobs, ) array put = np.logical_not(call) # (npoints, nobs) array umat = 2 / (blim - alim) * (call * xfun(*argc) - put * xfun(*argp)) # (npoints, nobs) array pmat = model.charfun(kvec) # (npoints, nobs) array xmat = np.exp(-1j * kvec * (moneyness + alim)) # (nobs, ) array return np.exp(moneyness) *, pmat * umat * xmat).real
def xfun(k, a, b, c, d): """Xi-Psi function. Parameters ---------- k : (n, 1) array a : float or (m, ) array b : float or (m, ) array c : float or (m, ) array d : float or (m, ) array Returns ------- (n, m) array """ # out0 = (np.cos(k * (d-a)) * np.exp(d) - np.cos(k * (c-a)) * np.exp(c) # + k * (np.sin(k * (d-a)) * np.exp(d) - np.sin(k * (c-a)) * np.exp(c)))\ # / (1 + k**2) # out1 = (np.sin(k[1:] * (d-a)) - np.sin(k[1:] * (c-a))) / k[1:] out0 = ne.evaluate(("(cos(k * (d-a)) * exp(d) - cos(k * (c-a)) * exp(c)" "+ k * (sin(k * (d-a)) * exp(d) - sin(k * (c-a)) * exp(c)))" "/ (1 + k**2)")) k1 = k[1:] out1 = ne.evaluate("(sin(k1 * (d-a)) - sin(k1 * (c-a))) / k1") out1 = np.vstack([(d - c) * np.ones_like(a), out1]) return out0 - out1 if __name__ == '__main__': pass